ESP  0.1
The Example-based Sensor Predictions (ESP) system tries to bring machine learning to the maker community.
user_accelerometer_walk_detection.cpp File Reference
#include <ESP.h>


double processAccelerometerData (double input)
CalibrateResult restingDataCollected (const MatrixDouble &data)
VectorDouble dotProduct (VectorDouble in)
VectorDouble stddev (VectorDouble v)
VectorDouble threshold (VectorDouble in)
void setup ()


ASCIISerialStream stream (9600, 3)
GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline
Calibrator calibrator
TcpOStream oStream ("localhost", 5204)
double zeroG = 0
double oneG = 0
double t = 0.6

Function Documentation

VectorDouble dotProduct ( VectorDouble  in)
double processAccelerometerData ( double  input)
CalibrateResult restingDataCollected ( const MatrixDouble &  data)
void setup ( )
VectorDouble threshold ( VectorDouble  in)

Variable Documentation

double oneG = 0
TcpOStream oStream("localhost", 5204)
GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline
double t = 0.6
double zeroG = 0