ESP  0.1
The Example-based Sensor Predictions (ESP) system tries to bring machine learning to the maker community.

Color sensing. See documentation on the wiki.

#include <ESP.h>
// Normalize by dividing each dimension by the total magnitude.
// Also add the magnitude as an additional feature.
vector<double> normalize(vector<double> input) {
double magnitude = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) magnitude += (input[i] * input[i]);
magnitude = sqrt(magnitude);
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) input[i] /= magnitude;
return input;
GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;
TcpOStream oStream("localhost", 5204);
bool always_pick_something = false;
double null_rej = 5.0;
void updateAlwaysPickSomething(bool new_val) {
void updateVariability(double new_val) {
void setup() {
stream.setLabelsForAllDimensions({"red", "green", "blue"});
// useStream(stream);
pipeline.addPreProcessingModule(MovingAverageFilter(5, 3));
// use scaling, use null rejection, null rejection parameter
pipeline.setClassifier(ANBC(false, !always_pick_something, null_rej));
// null rejection parameter is multiplied by the standard deviation to determine
// the rejection threshold. the higher the number, the looser the filter; the
// lower the number, the tighter the filter.
registerTuneable(always_pick_something, "Always Pick Something",
"Whether to always pick (predict) one of the classes of training data, "
"even if it's not a very good match. If selected, 'Color Variability' "
"will not be used.", updateAlwaysPickSomething);
registerTuneable(null_rej, 1.0, 25.0, "Color Variability",
"How different from the training data a new color reading can be and "
"still be considered the same color. The higher the number, the more "
"different it can be.", updateVariability);